Cabinet Impulses

Rock is Right!

Cabinet Impulses

Stacks Image 192

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Realizzo i miei IR avvalendomi dell'aiuto dei migliori tecnici audio e in seguito li seleziono personalemente, in modo da evitare al chitarrista di perdere tempo nella ricerca degli IR più adeguati. All’interno dei pacchetti troverai vari IR già selezionati e pronti all’uso che si distinguono per vari fattori come: i tipi di microfoni usati, la posizione rispetto il cono, il mix e altro.
Tutti i miei IR sono MPT (Minimum Phase Transformed), ossia possono essere utilizzati singolarmente o anche in combinazione con altri senza che si generi alcun problema di fase. Per la realizzazione utilizzo convertitori Universal Audio e un vasto assortimento di microfoni (tra cui SM57, e609, M160, ecc.) e pre-amplificatori Warm Audio WA73-EQ e Focusrite ISA Two.


I create my own IRs with the help of the best sound engineers and then I select them personally, to save the guitarist from spending hours finding what he needs. Inside the packages you will find some IRs already selected and ready to use, which differ by factors such as microphone types, microphone positions, mixes and more. All my IRs are MPT (Minimum Phase Transformed), so you can use them individually or combined with others without incurring in phase issues.
To realize this IRs I use Universal Audio converters and a vast set of microphones (including SM57, e609, M160, etc.) pre-amplified with Warm Audio WA73-EQ and Focusrite ISA Two.



Stacks Image 253
Marshall 1960TV
4x12", Celestion G12M-25
10,99 €


Stacks Image 259
Vox AC30 C2X
2x12" Celestion Alnico Blue
14,99 €


Stacks Image 265
Fender '65 Twin Reverb
2x12" Jensen C12K
12,99 €


Stacks Image 283
MesaBoogie Recto OS
4x12", Celestion V30
14,99 €


Stacks Image 277
Marshall 1960A
4x12", Celestion G12T-75
10,99 €


Stacks Image 271
Brunetti SingleMan
1x12", Celestion V30
14,99 €


Stacks Image 333
Wem Starfinder Super 200
4x12", Fane Crescendo
18,99 €


Stacks Image 440
Egnater Tweaker
1x12", Celestion G12H-50
19,99 €


Stacks Image 490
Friedman 412
4x12", Greenback + V30
19,99 €


Stacks Image 563
Marshall SV112
1x12", Celestion V-Type
19,99 €



Stacks Image 504
Markbass Standard 151HR
1x15", B&C Custom
10,99 €


Stacks Image 347
Markbass New York 122
2x12", B&C Custom
13,99 €



Stacks Image 385
Studio Mastered IR
for Overdrive Sound
29,99 €

*All used company names, label names and registered trademarks on this website are property of their owners and only used for the purpose of identifying hardware used, and for description of products and achievements. Use of these names does not imply any cooperation or endorsement.

⛔️ Terms and Conditions ⛔️

All right reserved. Any use of material on this website without the express permission from author is strictly prohibited.
Important: You are paying for the rights of using these presets, profiles and IRs for yourself only, you are strictly forbidden from sharing them or making them available online for free or for resale.