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Electric Impulses

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- Be confident with your digital system before buying! I don’t give free support for installation and basic operations.
- Complete the Paypal procedure. Click on "Return to Merchant" and the download will start automatically.
- Downloads work properly with your computer. If you use a smartphone, downloads may not work. DON'T WORRY:
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Ti piacerebbe suonare una chitarra elettrica con le caratteristiche timbriche di un altro modello? Utilizzando i nostri IR, potrai far suonare una chitarra elettrica come se fosse un'altra! Per esempio, potrai far suonare una Stratocaster come se fosse una Les Paul, o una SG come una Telecaster, con risultati straordinariamente realistici. Ogni pacchetto contiene IR specifici per ogni pickup e le loro combinazioni, ottimizzati per l’utilizzo con varie tipologie di chitarra. I nostri IR sono progettati per funzionare perfettamente con Humbucker, Singlecoil e P90, garantendo una versatilità eccezionale e una qualità sonora superiore. Espandi le tue possibilità musicali e scopri nuovi orizzonti sonori con i nostri IR per chitarre elettriche!
Would you like to play an electric guitar with the tonal characteristics of another model? Using our IRs, you can make one electric guitar sound like another! For example, you can make a Stratocaster sound like a Les Paul, or an SG sound like a Telecaster, with amazingly realistic results. Each package contains IRs specific to each pickup and their combinations, optimized for use with various types of guitars. Our IRs are designed to work perfectly with Humbuckers, Singlecoils, and P90s, ensuring exceptional versatility and superior sound quality. Expand your musical possibilities and discover new sonic horizons with our IRs for electric guitars!
⛔️ Terms and Conditions ⛔️
Important: You are paying for the rights of using these presets, profiles and IRs for yourself only, you are strictly forbidden from sharing them or making them available online for free or for resale.